Early time-restricted eating (eTRE) is a dietary strategy that restricts caloric intake to the first 6–8 h of the day and can effect metabolic benefits independent of weight loss. However, the extent of these benefits is unknown. We conducted a randomized crossover feeding study to investigate the weight-independent effects of eTRE on glycemic variation, multiple time-in-range metrics, and levels of inflammatory markers. Ten adults with prediabetes were randomized to eTRE (8-h feeding window, 80% of calories consumed before 14:00 h) or usual feeding (50% of calories consumed after 16:00 h) for 1 week followed by crossover to the other schedule. Using continuous glucose monitoring, we showed that eTRE decreased glycemic variation (mean amplitude of glycemic excursion) and time in hyperglycemia greater than 140 mg/dL without affecting inflammatory markers (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein). These data implicate eTRE as a candidate dietary intervention for the weight-independent management of dysglycemia in high-risk individuals.