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FCP Research

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| Journal of the Academic of Nutrition and Dietetics

Change in an Urban Food Environment: Storefront Sources of Food/Drink Increasing Over Time and Not Limited to Food Stores and Restaurants

| Public Health Nutrition

Government data v. ground observation for food-environment assessment: businesses missed and misreported by city and state inspection records

| Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

EBT Payment for Online Grocery Orders: a Mixed-Methods Study to Understand Its Uptake among SNAP Recipients and the Barriers to and Motivators for Its Use

| Preventing Chronic Disease

Could EBT Machines Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases at New York City Green Carts?

| American Journal of Preventative Medicine

Adults Who Order Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Sociodemographics and Meal Patterns at Fast Food Chains

| American Journal of Health Promotion

The Introduction of a Supermarket via Tax-Credits in a Low-Income Area: The Influence on Purchasing and Consumption

| Journal of Community Health

Corner Store Purchases in a Low-Income Urban Community in NYC

| Public Health Nutrition

Assessment of a Government-Subsidized Supermarket in a High-Need Area on Household Food Availability and Children’s Dietary Intakes

| American Journal of Preventative Medicine

Promotion of Healthy Eating Through Public Policy A Controlled Experiment

| Journal of Community Health

The Influence of Calorie Labeling on Food Orders and Consumption: A Review of the Literature