Built Environment

Our researchers examine how living near fast food outlets, supermarkets, and green spaces affects health.

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Built Environment

Publication Search

Relationship between community characteristics and impact of calorie labeling on fast-food purchases

WOOP as a Brief Alcohol Intervention Led by Lay Coaches in College Settings

Estimating the impacts of calorie labels in fast-food settings using a novel comparison: Comparing California drive-through and in-store purchases

The Hidden Cost of Living: A Memo on how Housing Instability Drives Food Insecurity in NYC

| Public Health Nutrition

Changes in grocery shopping behaviour among low-income households during the COVID-19 pandemic

| Journal of Hepatology

Impact of metabolism-disrupting chemicals and folic acid supplementation on liver injury and steatosis in mother-child pairs

Online retail nudges to help parents with lower-income choose healthy beverages for their children: A randomized clinical trial

Identifying Geographic Disparities in Diabetes Prevalence Among Adults and Children Using Emergency Claims Data

| Journal of the Academic of Nutrition and Dietetics

Change in an Urban Food Environment: Storefront Sources of Food/Drink Increasing Over Time and Not Limited to Food Stores and Restaurants

| Ecology of Food and Nutrition

Engaging Ethnic Restaurants to Improve Community Nutrition Environments: A Qualitative Study with Hispanic Caribbean Restaurants in New York City